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Invasive Weed Control

We provide specialist weed control to the industrial & amenity sector.

We deliver fast, effective solutions to all your weed problems and with our objective, honest approach.


The Nature Conservation Minister has announced initiatives to crackdown on the illegal introduction of alien plants into this country - but is this too little too late?


Many voracious plants are already here and causing major problems. Their control and eradication needs to be carefully planned, monitored and managed to ensure the existing situation of their overpowering invasion is met full on and stemmed.


It is already illegal to plant Japanese Knotweed and Giant Hogweed which strangle and suffocate other plants, but a ban on many others is also needed - plants such as Himalayan Balsam, Floating Pennywort, Crassula helmsii and Azolla filiculoides now common to water and river banks, but also Rhododendron ponticum, an evergreen weed, which grows densely and quickly smothering many plants that is very difficult to control.


The invasive weeds that we are most often called upon to control are:

  • Japanese Knotweed

  • Ragwort

  • Giant Hogweed

  • Himalayan Balsam

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